Oh! Edo Town

Oh! Edo Town (1.0) - [SAVE CHEAT/HACK]

cheat, hack, cheats, hacks, save file, save game, money cheat, money hack

Oh! Edo Town
Version: v1.0
Jailbreak: NO Jailbroken device needed!
Credit: ihackfiles
Features: Cities: 1 save slot: Heibon | 2. Save slot: Yamatani
Cash (both cities): 999 999 999G
Research points
(both cities): 999 of each (999 Food, 999 Armory, 999 Teck, 999 Edu)
Instructions: Step 1: Use Itunes, iexplorer, i-funbox or SSH into you device (ex: WinSCP) or any other software!
Step 2 (by using i-FunBox): Download (links below) and extract com.kairosoft.gm52E.plist to: var/mobile/Applications/Edo Towns/Library/Preferences
Step 3: Set Permissions to 755 (If it doesn't work)
Step 4: Thank Us by Joining our FB Page and Sharing This Cheat!!

Download: 1. Mediafire | 2. Multiupload


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